The York Family Eight

The York Family Eight

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Funny things kids do...

I am about to post an unflattering picture of our child, and he will not like it when he is older, but we will deal with that when we get there, it's just too funny. First off, Robert decided to slather himself with baby lotion, that is the goop in his hair. The funny thing is that Bella did the exact same thing when she was his age. I am looking through my photos now to see if I can find her incident but can't seem to find it, I will post it later if I do. Now the next photos are of the traditional child picking things off their face and eating them. Bill has been talking to Robert about not eating his boogers, well, not picking them either, and ended up capturing the evidence. It is just too funny to not share, so I apologize to anyone out there who is grossed out, but when you have 5 little ones, there is a lot of this stuff...It just makes me laugh now. It's amazing how God gives you these beautiful children to care for, they are even cute when picking boogers and eating them too.

If you missed the last one, here is another one.

Who can resist such a face?

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