I can see! Praise God! This surgery is amazing. It is a little unreal at the moment, that I won't be wearing glasses or contacts. Unreal because I have been wearing glasses since I was seven and contacts since I was in the second grade. Lets do the math here, that's about TWENTY SIX years, whoa! (Add that up and you know my age :) ). My brother thought he had people beat with 15 years and then I figured mine out...
Why contacts so early you ask? Well, my here's my brief history. I got glasses in the first grade. They were those cool ones, being facetious here, that turned dark in the sunlight. Try taking your school pictures with those on and when the flash pops on your lenses turn dark and voila you have an interesting (horrible) photo... But that's just a side note...
I was also in gymnastics and glasses don't work well when you are trying to tumble and vault, things go flying. I was on the team and was not great at vaulting because I couldn't see it well. I would stutter step when I got close to the springboard...you should be at full speed and power at the board and thus vault yourself forward onto the horse. I slowed down, had no power, was a horrible vaulter. My eye doctor recommended contacts, they worked for me for school and especially gymnastics. Overnight I went from horrible to great vaulter, I could finally see it clearly. I have been attached to my contacts ever since, especially since I had such bad vision. But now, after over twenty five years, no more.
The surgery was quick and went well. It was a little unnerving for a few brief moments, it's hard for me to stare into bright lights, but the surgery staff was great and made the whole process very nice. There was no pain and it was quick, they even count down the 60 seconds it takes to complete each eye.
After surgery I had to wear goggle type glasses home and for the rest of first day and then only at night for a week. Immediately after surgery my vision was good but a little smeary. A few hours later it was great but hazy around the edges. Later in the afternoon there was a hazy section on my right eye, but I could still see pretty well. It was still there in the evening but when I lifted up my goggles to see without them on, the haze was gone and I could see perfectly...my goggles had moisture on them and what I thought was part of my vision, was just on the lense of the goggles!!! Bill and I had a laugh about this one.
It has now been two days since the surgery and I have to remind myself I had the surgery because I feel back to normal, like nothing happened at all. I have to remember to not touch my eyes because they are still healing. The whole process has been great.
So thank you to all of you who were praying for me. I appreciated your prayers.